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Congratulations, You got your PPP Loan, What Next?




Congratulations, you filed all the Paperwork for your PPP Loan and you have received your Grant and Loan. Now is the time to start planning on how you are going to ensure you use the Funds correctly. During this Pandemic, the SBA has made efforts to make funding accessible to Small Businesses and it is important to use the Funds appropriately. 

    The PPP Loan is designed to provide a direct incentive for Small Businesses to keep their workers on Payroll. SBA will forgive Loans, if all employees are kept on the Payroll for eight weeks, starting from when the Loan is received and the Money is used for Payroll, Rent, Mortgage Interest Payments or Utilities. It is important to note that not more than 25% of the forgiven Amount maybe for Non-Payroll Costs.


  Now, that you have your Loan and have identified the time period, it's time to calculate the monthly payroll cost, to ensure your Loan Forgiveness. The Items below are the Payroll Costs to include, as well as the Non- Payroll Costs. 


        Payroll Costs: 

 1)   Salary, Wages, Commissions, Tips and Bonuses.

 2)  Owner's Draw Payments for Sole Proprietors.

 3)  Severance Pay

 4)  Paid Leave Payments (No FFCRA Paid Leave)

 5)  Employee Payments for State and Local Taxes.

 6)  Employee Payments for Federal Income Tax and FICA.

 7)  Employee Contributions to Retirement and Group Health Plans ( Health Insurance & Dental Coverage).

 8)  Payments of Interest on Mortgage Obligations. 


  Non-Payroll Costs: 

 1)  Contractor Pay

 2) Payroll Reimbursement.

 3) Owner's Draw Payments (Except for Sole Proprietors).

 4) Workers' Compensation Fees.

 5) Fringe Benefits. (Commuter Benefits, HSAs).

 6) Ancillary Benefits (Short-Term Disability, Group Life Insurance).


  Important Notes:


The SBA recently clarified that the 8 Weeks Period begins on the date, the borrower receives the disbursement of the Loan, and regardless of whether your Business has resumed operations.

No More than 25% of the Forgivable Amount of a PPP Loan can be attributable to Non-Payroll Costs.


   Actions to take immediately:


Open up a Separate Bank Account and Deposit the Loan Amount in the Bank Account. It would make it easier to track the use of the funds precisely. 

Order Check Books for this Account and Ensure the Check Payment is made from this Account.

Hire Back Employees and Restore Headcount and Wages to Prior Levels.

Maintain a Paper Folder or Electronic Folder for all PPP Expenses and Cancelled Checks. Remember you have 8 Weeks of Funding to track these costs.  Not 2 Months but 8 Weeks, from when you got the Funding. 

Ensure to pay your Rent on time. Get your Lease Agreement and Have it ready to produce, when it is requested.

Ensure to pay your Utility Bills on time and save all Bill Payments.

Make Sure to Pay ALL Interest on your Loans when Due. Although, Principal Payments are required, you are required to keep track of the Interest Payments, either with Statements or an Amortization Schedule. 

Keep a Record of the Exact Amount of Health Benefits and Pension Contributions due for the 8 Weeks. Ensure to find them, before the end of the 8 Weeks.

Get a Bookkeeper, CPA and Accountant NOW. 


         The PPP and EIDL Loan Program is one of the Greatest Investments, you have ever made as a Small Business. The Secret is knowing how to play by the Rules and is essential in using it to your Best Advantage.


     You may be proud of the fact, that you do your own Tax Filings, Payroll and Bookkeeping, but the PPP Loan and EIDL Loan is not an area, where you want to risk making a wrong decision. The Guidance for the PPP seems to be changing daily. Be Aware that Little Mistakes can cost you Big.  Whatever you do, be sure to do it under the Guidance of a Financial Advisor/Bookkeeper to help you maximize your Benefit from the adherence to the PPP Loan Terms.


     Feel Free to Reach Out to us and Let Us know, how we can assist you. We are available to help you with your Bookkeeping, Accounting and Payroll Needs. Call 202-422-4586 for More Information. 





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